BouncyCastle by: Bouncy Castle Project Contributors
  • 1 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.8.9
  • bouncycastle cryptography encryption security
The Bouncy Castle Crypto package is a C# implementation of cryptographic algorithms and protocols, it was developed by the Legion of the Bouncy Castle, a registered Australian Charity, with a little help! The Legion, and the latest goings on with this package, can be found at []( In addition to providing basic cryptography algorithms, the package also provides support for CMS, TSP, X.509 certificate generation and a variety of other standards such as OpenPGP.
BouncyCastle.NetCore by: BouncyCastle
  • 5 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.8.6
  • .net framework core standard
a BouncyCastle redist package include .Net Framework and .Net Core/ Standard support
Castle.Windsor by: Castle Project Contributors
  • 1 total downloads
  • Latest version: 2.1.1
Castle Project offers two Inversion of Control Containers. The MicroKernel and the Windsor Container. The Castle MicroKernel is an inversion of control container that was designed towards extensibility. It combines facilities to grow orthogonally. These facilities work side-by-side, without interfering or depending on each other, to allow you to easily extend the container functionality by plugging in new concerns and semantics. Castle Windsor aggregates the MicroKernel and exposes a powerful configuration support. It is suitable for common enterprise application needs. It is able to register facilities and components based on the configuration and adds support for interceptors.
CommandLineParser by: Giacomo Stelluti Scala
  • 2 total downloads
  • Latest version:
  • Command Line Parser
The Command Line Parser Library offers to CLR applications a clean and concise API for manipulating command line arguments and related tasks.
CompareNETObjects by: KellermanSoftware
  • 1 total downloads
  • Latest version: 4.51.0
  • compare comparison equality equal deep objects difference compareobjects
What you have been waiting for. Perform a deep compare of any two .NET objects using reflection. Shows the differences between the two objects.
coverlet.collector by: tonerdo
  • 160 total downloads
  • Latest version: 3.2.0
  • coverage testing unit-test lcov opencover quality
Coverlet is a cross platform code coverage library for .NET, with support for line, branch and method coverage.
CronExpressionDescriptor by: Brady Holt
  • 1 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.6.0
  • cron
A library that converts cron expressions into human readable strings.
Dapper by: Sam Saffron Marc Gravell
  • 9 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.42.0
  • orm sql micro-orm
A high performance Micro-ORM supporting Sql Server, MySQL, Sqlite, SqlCE, Firebird etc..
DocumentFormat.OpenXml by: Microsoft
  • 4 total downloads
  • Latest version: 2.13.1
  • openxml office
The Open XML SDK provides tools for working with Office Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents. It supports scenarios such as: - High-performance generation of word-processing documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. - Populating content in Word files from an XML data source. - Splitting up (shredding) a Word or PowerPoint file into multiple files, and combining multiple Word/PowerPoint files into a single file. - Extraction of data from Excel documents. - Searching and replacing content in Word/PowerPoint using regular expressions. - Updating cached data and embedded spreadsheets for charts in Word/PowerPoint. - Document modification, such as removing tracked revisions or removing unacceptable content from documents.
EAGetMail by: AdminSystem Software Limited
  • 6 total downloads
  • Latest version:
Retrieve email from server by POP3/IMAP4/EWS protocols and parse email in C#, VB, ASP.NET, Managed C++ or other .NET environment applications. SSL/TLS, S/MIME, Gmail OAUTH are supported.
ElasticSearch by: garofar
  • 3 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.4.2
Elasticsearch is a flexible and powerful open source, distributed, real-time search and analytics engine.
Elasticsearch.Net by: Elasticsearch Inc. and contributors
  • 1 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.1.1
  • elasticsearch elastic search lucene nest
Exposes all the api endpoints but leaves you in control of building the request and response bodies. Comes with built in cluster failover/connection pooling support.
EmptyFiles by:
  • 7 total downloads
  • Latest version: 8.4.0
A collection of minimal binary files.
EntityFramework by: Microsoft
  • 19 total downloads
  • Latest version: 6.5.0-preview2-24180-01
  • Microsoft EntityFramework EF Database Data O/RM ADO.NET
Entity Framework 6 (EF6) is a tried and tested object-relational mapper for .NET with many years of feature development and stabilization.
Enums.NET by: Tyler Brinkley
  • 4 total downloads
  • Latest version: 4.0.2
  • enum enums flag flags
Enums.NET is a high-performance type-safe .NET enum utility library
ExcelNumberFormat by: ExcelNumberFormat developers
  • 1 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.1.0
  • excel formatting numfmt formatcode
.NET library to parse ECMA-376 number format strings and format values like Excel and other spreadsheet softwares.
FFMpegCore by: Vlad Jerca Malte Rosenbjerg
  • 3 total downloads
  • Latest version: 2.2.2
  • ffmpeg ffprobe convert video audio mediafile resize analyze muxing
A great way to use FFMpeg encoding when writing video applications, client-side and server-side. It has wrapper methods that allow conversion to all web formats: MP4, OGV, TS and methods of capturing screens from the videos.
FluentMigrator by: Josh Coffman Tom Marien
  • 4 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.6.2
FluentMigrator is a database migration framework for .NET written in C#. The basic idea is that you can create migrations which are simply classes that derive from the Migration base class and have a Migration attribute with a unique version number attached to them. Upon executing FluentMigrator, you tell it which version to migrate to and it will run all necessary migrations in order to bring your database up to that version. In addition to forward migration support, FluentMigrator also supports different ways to execute the migrations along with selective migrations called profiles and executing arbitrary SQL.
FluentMigrator.Tools by: Josh Coffman Tom Marien Mark Junker
  • 7 total downloads
  • Latest version: 5.2.0
!!!OBSOLETE!!! Please use FluentMigrator.Console instead
FluentValidation by: Jeremy Skinner
  • 3 total downloads
  • Latest version: 7.0.2
A validation library for .NET that uses a fluent interface to construct strongly-typed validation rules.