Figgle 0.5.1

 _____ _         _     
|   __|_|___ ___| |___ 
|   __| | . | . | | -_|
|__|  |_|_  |_  |_|___|

Figgle Build Status Figgle NuGet version Figgle NuGet download count

ASCII banner generation for .NET

    FiggleFonts.Standard.Render("Hello, World!"));


  _   _      _ _         __        __         _     _ _
 | | | | ___| | | ___    \ \      / /__  _ __| | __| | |
 | |_| |/ _ \ | |/ _ \    \ \ /\ / / _ \| '__| |/ _` | |
 |  _  |  __/ | | (_) |    \ V  V / (_) | |  | | (_| |_|
 |_| |_|\___|_|_|\___( )    \_/\_/ \___/|_|  |_|\__,_(_)

Alternatively, use Figgle's source generator to generate output during compilation, so you don't need to ship Figgle binaries with your app. See below for details.

The library bundles 265 FIGlet fonts. You can add your own if that's not enough!


Available via NuGet:

Install-Package Figgle

Targets .NET Standard 2.0, so runs pretty much anywhere. If you require .NET Standard 1.3, use package version 0.4.1.

Other samples

Using FiggleFonts.Graffiti:

  ___ ___         .__  .__               __      __            .__       .___._.
 /   |   \   ____ |  | |  |   ____      /  \    /  \___________|  |    __| _/| |
/    ~    \_/ __ \|  | |  |  /  _ \     \   \/\/   /  _ \_  __ \  |   / __ | | |
\    Y    /\  ___/|  |_|  |_(  <_> )     \        (  <_> )  | \/  |__/ /_/ |  \|
 \___|_  /  \___  >____/____/\____/  /\   \__/\  / \____/|__|  |____/\____ |  __
       \/       \/                   )/        \/                         \/  \/

Using FiggleFonts.ThreePoint:

|_| _ || _    \    / _  _| _||
| |(/_||(_),   \/\/ (_)| |(_|.

Using FiggleFonts.Ogre:

            _ _          __    __           _     _   _ 
  /\  /\___| | | ___    / / /\ \ \___  _ __| | __| | / \
 / /_/ / _ \ | |/ _ \   \ \/  \/ / _ \| '__| |/ _` |/  /
/ __  /  __/ | | (_) |   \  /\  / (_) | |  | | (_| /\_/ 
\/ /_/ \___|_|_|\___( )   \/  \/ \___/|_|  |_|\__,_\/   

Using FiggleFonts.Rectangles:

 _____     _ _          _ _ _         _   _|  |
|  |  |___| | |___     | | | |___ ___| |_| |  |
|     | -_| | | . |_   | | | | . |  _| | . |__|
|__|__|___|_|_|___| |  |_____|___|_| |_|___|__|

Using FiggleFonts.Slant:

    __  __     ____           _       __           __    ____
   / / / /__  / / /___       | |     / /___  _____/ /___/ / /
  / /_/ / _ \/ / / __ \      | | /| / / __ \/ ___/ / __  / / 
 / __  /  __/ / / /_/ /      | |/ |/ / /_/ / /  / / /_/ /_/  
/_/ /_/\___/_/_/\____( )     |__/|__/\____/_/  /_/\__,_(_)   

Loading external fonts

Figgle ships with a bunch of fonts (in the FiggleFonts class). If you prefer, you can load your own.

Here's an example that loads a font from disk and renders some text with it:

using var fontStream = System.IO.File.OpenRead("myfont.flf");
var font = FiggleFontParser.Parse(fontStream);
var text = font.Render("Hello World, from My Font");

Using the Source Generator

If the text you want Figgle to render is known at compile time, this section is for you.

Instead of having Figgle render text at runtime, you can use Figgle's source generator to do the rendering at compile time. This has two benefits:

  • Faster runtime performance, as no Figgle code is executed
  • Less memory consumption, as no Figgle code is loaded
  • Smaller application footprint, as you don't need to ship Figgle binaries

In your code:

using Figgle;

namespace MyNamespace
    [GenerateFiggleText("HelloWorldString", "blocks", "Hello world")]
    internal partial class MyClass

By adding this attribute to a partial class, Figgle will automatically generate the corresponding member in another part of the partial class, resembling:

namespace MyNamespace
    partial class MyClass
        public static string HelloWorldString { get; } = "...rendered text here...";

Showing the top 20 packages that depend on Figgle.

Packages Downloads

.NET Standard 2.0

  • No dependencies.

Version Downloads Last updated
0.5.1 4 10/06/2024
0.4.1 4 10/06/2024
0.4.0 4 10/06/2024
0.3.0 4 10/06/2024
0.2.0 3 10/06/2024
0.1.0 4 10/06/2024