Hangfire.Core 1.7.22

An easy and reliable way to perform fire-and-forget, delayed and recurring, long-running, short-running, CPU or I/O intensive tasks inside ASP.NET applications. No Windows Service / Task Scheduler required. Even ASP.NET is not required. Backed by Redis, SQL Server, SQL Azure or MSMQ. This is a .NET alternative to Sidekiq, Resque and Celery. https://www.hangfire.io/

Showing the top 20 packages that depend on Hangfire.Core.

Packages Downloads
ASP.NET Core support for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
SQL Server 2008+ (including Express), SQL Server LocalDB and SQL Azure storage support for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
An easy and reliable way to perform fire-and-forget, delayed and recurring, long-running, short-running, CPU or I/O intensive tasks inside ASP.NET applications. No Windows Service / Task Scheduler required. Even ASP.NET is not required. Backed by Redis, SQL Server, SQL Azure or MSMQ. This is a .NET alternative to Sidekiq, Resque and Celery. https://www.hangfire.io/
SQL Server 2008+ (including Express), SQL Server LocalDB and SQL Azure storage support for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
Job console for Hangfire
An easy and reliable way to perform fire-and-forget, delayed and recurring, long-running, short-running, CPU or I/O intensive tasks inside ASP.NET applications. No Windows Service / Task Scheduler required. Even ASP.NET is not required. Backed by Redis, SQL Server, SQL Azure or MSMQ. This is a .NET alternative to Sidekiq, Resque and Celery. https://www.hangfire.io/
In-memory job storage for Hangfire with transactional implementation.
SQL Server job storage implementation for HangFire
SQL Server 2008+ (including Express), SQL Server LocalDB and SQL Azure storage support for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
SQL Server / SQL Azure job storage implementation for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).

https://www.hangfire.io/blog/ Please see https://docs.hangfire.io/en/latest/upgrade-guides/upgrading-to-hangfire-1.7.html to learn how to upgrade from 1.6.X. 1.7.22 • Fixed – Fonts-related regression in Dashboard UI after upgrading Bootstrap in 1.7.21. 1.7.21 • Changed – Upgrade jQuery from 2.1.4 to 2.2.4 in Dashboard UI. • Changed – Upgrade Bootstrap from 3.3.5 to 3.3.7 in Dashboard UI. • Changed – Upgrade Moment.js to 2.29.1 in Dashboard UI. • Project – Update RazorGenerator.MsBuild package from 2.4.7 to version 2.5.0. • Project – Update 7-Zip.CommandLine package from 9.20.0 to version 18.1.0. 1.7.20 • Added – Norwegian translations (by @khellang). • Fixed – Correction on brazilian portuguese translations (by @Prestini). • Fixed – Changing time zone of recurring job without changing cron expression causes immediate execution. 1.7.19 • Added – German (Deutsch) Dashboard UI localization (by @d-oit). • Added – `IGlobalConfiguration.UseMaxArgumentSizeToRender` method to avoid "VALUE TOO BIG" messages. • Changed – Remove "readonly" keyword from the `JobMethodCallRenderer.MaxArgumentToRenderSize` field to support .NET 5.0. • Fixed – Race condition in `AspNetShutdownDetector` leads to `NullReferenceException` (by @jr01). • Fixed – Avoid ArgumentException: Item has already been added when preserving an original exception. • Project – Add repository link to nuspec files (by @jeremyhayes). 1.7.15 • Added – `IGlobalConfiguration.UseMaxLinesInExceptionDetails` option to cap the size of stack traces. • Changed – Only the first 100 lines of a stack trace will be preserved now by default in Failed state. • Fixed – Don't let exceptions with huge stack traces take up too much storage space. 1.7.13 • Added – Catalan translation for Dashboard UI (based on Spanish translation, by @agausachs). • Added – Support for configuring recommended serializer settings via callback (by @Yaevh). • Fixed – Use correct wording for job parameters in Job Details page, add it to resources. • Fixed – Don't push negative points to the realtime graph in dashboard. • Fixed – Don't depend on history collection type returned from Storage API. • Project – Execute tests one by one to ensure exit code isn't being lost (by @willchis). 1.7.12 • Added – Display actual job payload and exception message on job details page when could find the method. • Added – French translation for Dashboard UI (by @PaulARoy). • Added – Expose IStorageConnection.GetRecurringJobs(IEnumerable ids) to public. • Changed – Bump thread priority in heartbeat process for constrained environments. • Changed – Display job properties in a dedicated row in job details page. • Fixed – Avoid storage round-trip when displaying continuations on job details page. 1.7.11 • Added – Display recurring job exceptions directly in the Dashboard UI. • Added – Add built-in support for reliable shutdown detection of ASP.NET apps. • Changed – Unify exception handling in recurring job scheduler. • Changed – Internal feature to perform state changes without calling any filters. • Changed – Decrease the number of retry attempts for recurring jobs to 5. • Fixed – Let workers to ignore any state change filters when all previous attempts to call them failed. • Fixed – Don't let `RecurringJobScheduler` to stall the pipeline when extension filters throw an exception. • Fixed – Don't let `DelayedJobScheduler` to stall the pipeline when state filters throw an exception. • Fixed – `JobLoadException` when new methods deployed, caused by overlapped recycles in ASP.NET applications. • Fixed – Configuration changes aren't taken into account, caused by overlapped recycles in ASP.NET. • Fixed – Zombie servers shown on the "Servers" page that aren't stopped automatically unless app pool is recycled. • Fixed – Pass the whole exception to the `Error` field of a recurring job. • Fixed – Re-schedule recurring jobs with unsupported versions, instead of stopping the pipeline. • Fixed – Don't stumble over non-existing recurring jobs in a scheduler. • Fixed – Add another check before removing non-existing jobs from delayed jobs to avoid race conditions. • Fixed – Avoid throwing `NullReferenceException` instead of `InvalidOperationException` when deserializing a job. • Fixed – Don't transform queue names to upper case in the Dashboard UI. 1.7.10 • Added – Farsi translation for Dashboard UI (by @sepehr1101). • Added – Portuguese translation for Dashboard UI (by @GeErghon). • Added – `PrefixPath` in `DashboardOptions` (by @shenjielx). • Added – Allow `PageUrl` to be overridden by subclass (by @brendonparker). 1.7.9 • Fixed – Additional Chinese translation for Dashboard UI (by @brookqin). • Fixed – Added `null` checks for expired failed jobs in Dashboard UI (by @ppkale1995-cimpress). • Fixed – Add word break to definition lists for state cards in Dashboard UI. • Fixed – Render long recurring job identifiers correctly in Dashboard UI. 1.7.8 • Added – `IGlobalConfiguration.UseResultsInContinuations` method to globally enable results for continuations. • Added – Ability to push antecedent job's result to continuations via job parameters with `ContinuationsSupport`. • Added – `JobParameterInjectionFilter` server filter to inject job parameters as arguments. • Added – Allow to specify a custom thread factory in `UseBackgroundPool` methods. • Changed – Add retry attempts for recurring jobs instead of immediately disabling them. • Fixed – `CultureInfo.InvariantCulture` is now restored properly in background jobs. • Fixed – Recurring jobs aren't triggered early after changing their cron expressions. • Fixed – Don't trigger recurring job when it can't be scheduled due to errors. • Fixed – Argument with a `null` value is skipped when displaying job arguments in Dashboard UI. • Fixed – Add a workaround for resolving `System.Diagnostics.Debug` type in .NET Core 3.0. • Deprecated – Deprecate the `JobActivatorScope.InnerScope` property as it wasn't implemented. 1.7.7 Core • Changed – Produce a trace log message with details when updating a recurring job. • Changed – Return early from `CoreBackgroundJobFactory.Create` when storage returns `null`. • Project – Minor changes for the `Readme.md` file (by @231293). • Project – Add `netcoreapp3.0` target framework for Hangfire.Core.Tests. • Project – Add support for MSBuild 15.0 (VS 2019) when building `*.cshtml` files. Dashboard UI • Added – Allow modification of the Dashboard UI title (by @tbertenshaw). • Added – Support for HTML tags on the Dashboard UI title (by @caioproiete). • Added – Buttons for 1,000 and 5,000 items per page in dashboard. • Added – Links to previous/next pages to the top of the dashboard page. • Changed – Expose the `RazorPage.Context` property as a public member. • Fixed – Supplementary Chinese translation (by @mccj). • Fixed – Don't update real-time chart when too much time passed since the last update. 1.7.6 • Changed – Add support for dash characters (`-`) in queue names (by @caioproiete). • Fixed – Show actual error in Dashboard UI when recurring job can't be scheduled. • Fixed – Ensure backward compatibility when JSON payloads are serialized with field names only. • Fixed – Non-awaited continuations can bring down the whole app when `TaskScheduler` is set to `null`. • Fixed – Timeout value is not respected in some cases in the `WaitOneAsync` method. 1.7.5 • Fixed – Show error message when there's an error loading the statistics in Dashboard UI (by @prochnowc). • Fixed – Properly handle recurring jobs with null or empty 'Job' field. • Fixed – Disable recurring job when we can't schedule it due to an error. • Fixed – Use `LazyThreadSafetyMode.PublicationOnly` to avoid caching "JobStorage.Current is null" exceptions. 1.7.4 • Added – `BackgroundJobClient.RetryAttempts` property to make job creation resilient to transient exceptions. • Added – Dashboard localization support in `pt-BR` (by @candidodmv). • Changed – Protect background dispatchers from moving from stopped state to non-stopped one. • Changed – Unify `WaitOne` and `WaitOneAsync` methods with timeout and cancellation token for `WaitHandle` class. • Fixed – Don't hide an original fatal exception occurred in dispatchers in some cases. • Fixed – Dashboard UI to display "await" keyword on all task-like methods. • Fixed – Display links properly in an informational message on the Servers page in Dashboard UI. • Fixed – Wait for the heartbeat process before shutting down a server. 1.7.3 • SECURITY – Use `HtmlEncode` in all remaining places in Dashboard UI to prevent XSS attacks. • Added – Added Dutch language, and updated missing translation on "Servers" page (by @r-win). • Added – `Cron.Never` method for adding manual recurring jobs that never fire (by @michaltalaga). • Fixed – Add missing `AddOrUpdate` extension methods for the `IRecurringJobManager` interface. • Deprecated – Unused `HtmlHelper.FormatProperties` method is now obsolete. 1.7.2 • Added – `DashboardOptions.TimeZoneResolver` property to handle custom time zone resolvers in Dashboard UI. • Fixed – `RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate` method is now able to update a broken recurring job. • Fixed – Recurring job scheduler now properly handles recurring jobs whose job method or time zone is wrong. • Fixed – Don't throw an exception on Recurring Jobs page when time zone can't be resolved. 1.7.1 • Added – `DashboardOptions.IgnoreAntiforgeryToken` property to disable token validation in Dashboard UI. • Added – Display hints regarding server status on Servers page in Dashboard UI. • Added – Highlight recurring jobs with no next execution in Dashboard UI. • Added – Show actual error in Dashboard UI when recurring job has an invalid Cron expression. • Fixed – `InvalidOperationException` when `AllowSynchronousIO` option isn't set in ASP.NET Core 3.0. • Fixed – Set `NextExecution` value to `null` when existing recurring job has an invalid Cron expression. • Fixed – Make dashboard charts to be more culture-specific to use correct time format. • Fixed – Obsolete `UseSerializationSettings` comment now contains correct method name (by @PaitoAnderson). • Project – `resx` files now re-generated automatically when building a project. 1.7.0 • Added – Full .NET Core 2.0 support by explicitly targeting .NET Standard 2.0. • Added – `IGlobalConfiguration.SetDataCompatibilityLevel` to enable rolling upgrades from version 1.6. • Added – `IGlobalConfiguration.UseRecommendedSerializerSettings` method for new installations. • Added – Assemblies now loaded automatically when resolving a type when using default type resolver. • Added – Custom `TaskScheduler` can now be specified in `BackgroundJobServerOptions` for workers. • Added – `IdempotentCompletionAttribute` filter to enforce strict order for continuations. • Added – `IBackgroundJobClient.ContinueJobWith` methods to replace `ContinueWith` ones in future for clarity. • Added – `JobStorage.LinearizableReads` virtual property to avoid unnecessary waits in state changer. • Added – Allow async methods to run their continuations on worker thread by disabling `TaskScheduler`. • Added – Multi-stage shutdown to wait for graceful completion before starting to abort jobs. • Added – Asynchronous checks for job cancellation, `IJobCancellationToken` can be replaced with `CancellationToken` (by @pieceofsummer). • Added – Possibility to create millions of recurring jobs without stressing the scheduler. • Added – Second-based recurring jobs are fully supported now with 6-part cron expressions. • Added – Support for custom `TimeZoneInfo` resolvers in recurring jobs for interoperability purposes. • Added – Package now explicitly targets .NET Standard 2.0, and .NET Framework 4.6 target added as well. • Added – Type roundtrip support between .NET Core and .NET Framework for most common types. • Added – Allow to specify queue names based on job arguments with `QueueAttribute` via patterns. • Added – `PerformContext.Storage` property to allow server filters to spawn connections. • Added – `GetFirstByLowestScoreFromSet` connection method overload that returns multiple items (by @cdschneider). • Added – Entry point for custom job naming strategies available for dashboard (by @pieceofsummer). • Added – `JobDisplayNameAttribute` class for displaying jobs in dashboard, available on .NET Core (by @pieceofsummer). • Added – Support for async jobs returning ValueTask<T> (by @pieceofsummer). • Added – Support for asynchronous background processes, opens the road toward async storage. • Added – Circuit breaker pattern for background processes to reduce the logging pressure. • Added – Processing server is now able to detect it was expired, and restart itself with the new id. • Added – Ability to use custom delays for automatic retries of a background job. • Added – `ThreadAbortException` and `ThreadInterruptedException` handling to keep the background process running. • Added – Support for complex Cron expressions, including the `L`, `W`, `#` characters. • Added – `JobActivator.BeginScope` method overload with the full `PerformContext` (by @jeroenvervaeke). • Added – Support for read-only view for dashboard (by @mikechamberlain). • Added – Storage property to control the job expiration time (by @rsilvanet). • Added – Decrease the size of serialized type payloads and remove version information. • Changed – Make `TaskScheduler.Default` the default scheduler for async jobs to avoid breaking changes. • Changed – Split serializer setting to Internal and User scopes to isolate them (Version_170 Switch). • Changed – Don't allow to affect internal serialization even by `JsonConvert.DefaultSettings` (Version_170 Switch). • Changed – Share the same type binder between Hangfire itself and Newtonsoft.Json (Version_170 Switch). • Changed – Use more compact representation of dates when using `SerializeDateTime` (Version_170 Switch). • Changed – Stop using special case for `DateTime` argument serialization (Version_170 Switch). • Changed – Don't serialize unused `AwaitingState.Expiration` field (Version_170 Switch). • Changed – Specify parameter type when serializing arguments to allow using `TypeNameHandling.Auto` option. • Changed – Use case sensitive search when resolving a type as by default in .NET. • Changed – Make `SucceededState` constructor public to allow state serialization. • Changed – Add `IBackgroundJobFactory.StateMachine` property (breaking change for low level API). • Changed – Replace Rickshaw with Chart.js to have beautiful charts with less headache. • Changed – `DelayedJobScheduler` is able to use the new storage method to query multiple jobs at once. • Changed – `RecurringJobScheduler` now uses index-based checks to fetch only those jobs that should be scheduled. • Fixed – Worker now logs an error, when all the state change attempts failed due to an exception. • Fixed – Don't serialize arguments multiple times when showing job details in dashboard. • Fixed – `DateTimeOffset` conversion error when it was serialized with `TypeConverter`. • Fixed – Remove duplicate of argument deserialization code for obsolete `Job` class methods. • Fixed – Decorate all the exceptions with the `SerializableAttribute`. • Fixed – `ArgumentNullException` when job class contains method with non-resolvable generic arguments. • Fixed – "Failed to initialize CoreCLR" error, by removing reference to `Microsoft.NETCore.Portable.Compatibility`. • Fixed – Possible race conditions in `RecurringJobScheduler` that may lead to job duplicates. • Fixed – Configuration inconsistency introduced in 1.6.18 leading to issues with custom `JobActivator`. • Fixed – Triggering the recurring task doesn't update its last execution time. • Fixed – Recurring job which don't have next execution (intentionally or not) don't cause exception. • Fixed – Dashboard recurring jobs sorting is random (now it's based on next execution time). • Fixed – Performance problems with huge amount of recurring jobs. • Fixed – `NextExecution` field of a recurring job has delay in value getting set. • Fixed – Dashboard graphs have improper sizing. • Fixed – Server disappears from the list, but still performing the background processing. • Fixed – Logging is too aggressive on transient errors. • Fixed – Daylight saving time transitions now handled perfectly in recurring jobs thanks to Cronos. • Fixed – Confusing Cron scheduling, when both day-of-week and day-of-month fields set. • Project – Add `DataCompatibilityRangeFact` and `DataCompatibilityRangeTheory` classes for compatibility checks. • Project – Reduce test execution time by removing unnecessary waits.

.NET Framework 4.5

.NET Framework 4.6

.NET Standard 1.3

.NET Standard 2.0

Version Downloads Last updated
1.8.14 0 06/11/2024
1.8.12 0 04/03/2024
1.8.11 0 02/23/2024
1.8.10 0 02/12/2024
1.8.9 0 01/24/2024
1.8.7 0 12/29/2023
1.8.6 1 03/18/2024
1.8.5 0 08/11/2023
1.8.4 0 07/27/2023
1.8.3 0 06/27/2023
1.8.2 0 05/26/2023
1.8.1 0 05/18/2023
1.8.0 0 04/28/2023
1.7.37 0 04/08/2024
1.7.36 0 06/29/2023
1.7.35 0 05/18/2023
1.7.34 0 03/30/2023
1.7.33 0 01/31/2023
1.7.32 1 12/02/2022
1.7.31 0 08/19/2022
1.7.30 0 06/10/2022
1.7.29 0 05/23/2022
1.7.28 9 04/20/2022
1.7.27 0 11/03/2021
1.7.26 0 10/27/2021
1.7.25 1 10/06/2024
1.7.24 0 06/28/2021
1.7.23 0 05/28/2021
1.7.22 1 10/05/2024
1.7.21 0 04/12/2021
1.7.20 0 03/19/2021
1.7.19 0 01/15/2021
1.7.18 0 11/20/2020
1.7.17 0 10/20/2020
1.7.16 0 10/14/2020
1.7.15 0 10/08/2020
1.7.14 0 09/24/2020
1.7.13 0 09/15/2020
1.7.12 0 07/24/2020
1.7.11 0 04/15/2020
1.7.10 0 04/02/2020
1.7.9 0 01/20/2020
1.7.8 0 12/05/2019
1.7.7 0 10/22/2019
1.7.6 0 08/05/2019
1.7.5 0 07/18/2019
1.7.4 0 06/28/2019
1.7.3 0 05/23/2019
1.7.2 0 04/29/2019
1.7.1 0 04/16/2019
1.7.0 0 03/29/2019
1.6.30 0 04/29/2021
1.6.29 0 04/15/2020
1.6.28 0 01/14/2020
1.6.27 0 06/27/2019
1.6.26 0 05/23/2019
1.6.25 0 04/09/2019
1.6.24 0 03/27/2019
1.6.23 0 03/13/2019
1.6.22 1 10/06/2024
1.6.21 0 11/01/2018
1.6.20 0 07/31/2018
1.6.19 0 04/06/2018
1.6.18 0 04/05/2018
1.6.17 0 09/19/2017
1.6.16 0 09/02/2017
1.6.15 0 08/08/2017
1.6.14 0 06/16/2017
1.6.13 0 06/07/2017
1.6.12 0 03/22/2017
1.6.11 0 03/14/2017
1.6.10 0 03/13/2017
1.6.9 0 03/02/2017
1.6.8 0 12/21/2016
1.6.7 0 11/25/2016
1.6.6 0 10/13/2016
1.6.5 0 09/24/2016
1.6.4 0 08/30/2016
1.6.3 0 08/19/2016
1.6.2 0 08/05/2016
1.6.1 0 07/27/2016
1.6.0 0 07/15/2016
1.5.9 0 07/11/2016
1.5.8 0 06/17/2016
1.5.7 0 05/30/2016
1.5.6 1 10/06/2024
1.5.5 0 04/14/2016
1.5.4 0 03/22/2016
1.5.3 0 11/06/2015
1.5.2 0 10/15/2015
1.5.1 0 10/14/2015
1.5.0 0 10/01/2015
1.4.7 0 10/01/2015
1.4.6 0 08/29/2015
1.4.5 0 07/24/2015
1.4.4 0 07/23/2015
1.4.3 0 05/27/2015
1.4.2 0 05/06/2015
1.4.1 0 04/14/2015
1.3.4 0 02/04/2015
1.3.3 0 01/28/2015
1.3.2 0 01/27/2015
1.3.1 0 01/13/2015
1.3.0 0 12/10/2014
1.2.2 0 11/24/2014
1.2.1 0 11/22/2014
1.2.0 0 11/17/2014
1.1.1 0 09/05/2014
1.1.0 0 09/03/2014
1.0.2 0 07/01/2014
1.0.1 0 06/30/2014
1.0.0 0 06/30/2014
0.9.1 0 06/12/2014
0.9.0 0 06/07/2014
0.8.3 0 05/23/2014
0.8.2 0 05/21/2014
0.8.1 0 05/17/2014
0.8.0 0 05/02/2014
0.7.5 0 04/10/2014
0.7.4 0 04/07/2014
0.7.3 0 04/04/2014
0.7.1 0 04/01/2014
0.7.0 0 03/22/2014
0.6.2 0 01/28/2014
0.6.1 0 01/27/2014
0.5.2 0 11/19/2013
0.5.1 0 11/12/2013
0.5.0 0 11/10/2013